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黄帝内经 英汉对照 上古天真论第一1

发表于 2011-1-20 08:46:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



Shanggu Tianzhen Lunpian:

Ancient Ideas on How to preserve Natural Health Energy


Huangdi, or Yellow Emperor, was born intelligent. He was eloquent from childhood. He behaved righteously when he was young.In his youth, he was honest,sincere and wise. When growing up, he became the Emperor.


He asked Master Qibo, “I am told that people in ancient times all could live for one hundred years without any signs of senility. But people nowadays begin to become old at the age of fifty. Is it due to the changes of environment or the violation of the way ( to preserve health? )”


Qibo answered ,”The sages in ancient times who knew the Dao ( the tenets for cultivating health ) followed ( the rules of ) Yin and Yang and adusted Shushu ( the ways to cultivate health). ( They were ) moderate in eating and drinking, regular in working and resting, avoiding any overstrain. That is why ( they could maintain a desirable ) harmony between the Shen (mind or spirit) and the body, enjoying good health and a long life.


People nowadays , on the contrary, just behave oppositely. (They ) drink wine as thin rice gruel, regard wrong as right, and seek **ual pleasure after drinking. (As a result,)  their Jingqi (Essence-Qi ) is exhausted and Zhenqi ( Genuine-Qi ) is wasted. ( They ) seldom ( take measures to ) keep an exuberance ( of Jingqi ) and do not know how to regulate the Shen( mind or spirit ), often giving themselves to sensual pleasure. Being irregular in daily life, ( they begin to ) become old even at the age of fifty.


When the sages in ancient times taught the people,they emphasized ( the importance of ) avoiding Xuxie (Deficience-Evil ) and Zeifeng (Thief-wind ) in good time and keep the mind free from avarice. ( In this way ) Zhenqi in the body will be in harmony, Jingshen ( Essence-Spirit ) will remain inside and diseases will have no way to occur.


(Therefore people in ancient times all lived ) in peace and contentment,without any fear. They worked, but never overstrained themselves,making it smooth for Qi to flow. ( They all felt ) satisfied with their life and enjoyed their tasty food, natural clothes and naïve customs. ( They ) did not desire for high positions and lived simply and naturally.


That is why improper addiction and avarice could not distract their eyes and ears , obscenity and fallacy could not tempt their mind. Neither the ignorant nor the intelligent and neither the virtuous nor the unworthy feared anything. ( Such a behavior quite ) accorded with the Dao ( the tenets for cultivating health)


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