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Gist about the “Zhen-Qi-Yun-Xing” improve the health and prolong life

发表于 2007-3-9 19:11:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Gist about the “Zhen-Qi-Yun-Xingimprove the health and prolong life


Author: Li tianxiao 作者:李天晓 编译:嫣然,尘海浮沙


Huang-Di-Nei-Jing (Yellow Empero’s Canno of Internal Medicine)·Su-Wen (Plain Question)·Shanggu-Tianzhen-Lun(On Human Preserving Health Energy in Ancient Times )said

“Those who knew the way of keeping a good health in ancient times always kept in their behavior in daily life in accordance with the nature. They followed the principle of Yin and Yang. They were able to modulate their daily life in harmony with the way of recuperating the essence and vital energy, thus they could marster and practise the way of preserving a good health. Their behaviours in daily life were all kept in regular patterns such as their food and drink were of fixed quantity, their daily activities were all in regular times. They never overworked. In this way, they could maintain both in the body and in the spirit substantiality, and were able to live to the old age of more than one hundred years.

But the people nowadays are quite different. They dont recuperate themselves according to the way of preserving a good health, but run in counter to it. They are addicted to drink without temperance, keep idling as an oldinary, indulge in sexual pleasures and use up their vital energy and ruin their health. They do not protect their primordial energies carefully as handing a utensil full of valuable things. They don’t understand the importance of saving their energy but waste them rashly by doing what ever to their liking. They don’t know the joy of keeping a good health and have no regular pattern of their daily food, drink and activities. Therefore, they become decrepit when they are only fifty. ”

It’s the crystallization of the sages’ long times practising on Keep-in-Good-Health, and is the great wealthy for the descendant.

Through the research on the classics likeHuang-Di -Nei-Jingetc., Professor ShaoBo Li, the famous Chinese medicine doctor, keeping-in-good-health scientist, practiced himself for more than 70 years, promulgated the core content of the ancient medicinekeeping in good health science, and originated the Zhen-Qi-Yun-Xing five steps method, and institute the theory of Zhen-Qi-Yun-Xing, which have great realism significance and medicine value and was the uncommon way to improve health and prolong life. He also made the best annotation on the “Fa-Yu-Yin-Yang (Followed the principle of Yin and Yang), He-Yu-Shu-Shu (Modulate daily life in harmony with the way of recuperating the essence and vital energy)”, which was the secret to improve the health and prolong life, people were hard to understand.

1The Eight-Diagrams Yao-Xiang promulgates the secret of the health and long life.

Huang-Di-Nei-Jing (Yellow Empero’s Canno of Internal Medicine)said:

Fa-Yu-Yin-Yang (Followed the principle of Yin and Yang)”,“He-Yu-Shu-Shu (Modulate daily life in harmony with the way of recuperating the essence and vital energy).”

It means people use some methods to get good health, balance the Yin and Yang in the body, and assort with the nature. Let people enjoy their healthy and happy life.

The Eight-Diagrams express the rules of people’s life:

Chinese traditional civilization like the Eight-Diagrams consider that for a woman, her kidney energy becomes prosperous when she is seven. Her tiangui(the substance necessary for the promotion of growth, development and reproductive function of human body ) appears at the age of fourteen. At this time, her Ren channel begins to put though, and Chong channel becomes prosperous and her struation begins to appear. For a man, his kidney energy becomes prosperous by the age of 8, By then , his hair develops and his permanent teeth emerge. His kidney energy becomes prosperous by the age of 16. He it is filled with vital energy and is able to let out sperm. But because insufficiency of qi and blood production due to improper diet, impairment of visceral qi and blood due to emotional factors and overstrain make kidney qi consume become weaken every 8 years so it will exhaust Yangqi until 64 years old. This is the order of nature.But if we use some method strengthen practice we can replace Yin and Yang. And would be everlasting, and could survive forever like heaven and earth. Zhen-Qi-Yun-Xing method originatd by Professor Shaobo expound the nature of this secret

As to the secret that the Twelve-Messages-Gua talk to people has been proved by modern scientific study. The research of modern physiology figure that human’s natural life should be more than 100 years old.

The evidence are the three:

First, the human’s natural life is 8-10 multipleof the human ‘s sexy maturity time. If we look the 14-16 years old is the human ‘s sexy maturity time, human’s natural lif should be 110-160 years old. The second, through the observation on the outside body fiber cell cultivating, it’s discovered that the cell splits up every four months in two years, the cell lose it’s split up instinct after forty ages, so it can be calculated that human’s nature life is 129 years (50*2.4=129). The thirdthe human’s nature life is five to seven multiple of his growth period, if the growth period is twenty years, then his nature life is 100-140 years old. Count the average of the above three data, then the human’s nature life should be 120-130 years old.

According to the study of the ancient and modern human body experiment, the human’s nature life should be more than 100 years. In the actuality, the domestic and international data note that there is not lack of elderly person ,who’s 100-200 years old. This prove the thesis of the ancient discover and the study of modern science. However, most people can’t live to the year that they should live. For its reason, the most important is they have not understood and practiced the principle of “Fa-Yu-Yin-YangHe-Yu-Shu-Shu” that they all died half a hundred years old. All ages, the one who insist the health practising , can attain the healthy longevity, acquire the life spectacular that ordinary people can't acquire.

2“Zhen-Qi-Yun-Xing”open out the truth of the people’s life.

According to the viewpoints of the Chinese medicine, the human body just like the nature: the nature is universe and human body is microcosm.

Sky and ground is related in the nature, the life will born in the combination of Yin and Yang. The Heart-Fire combine with the Kidney-Water will get the power of life. So, we know that the point at the Heart-Fire in body is very important in the life.

How to made the Heart-Fire decline and the Kidney-Water go up?

Huang-Di-Nei-Jing (Yellow Empero’s Canno of Internal Medicine)·Su-Wen (Plain Question)said

“Heart-Fire decline to warm the Kidney-Water, so the Kidney-Water can rising and nourish the internal organs”.

The heart govern the mind and blood vessels, Heart-Fire decline so blood vessels moved regularly. Therefore ,the rise and fall of the Heart-Fir of Kidney-Water is the key for the body spirit. In the Congenital-Eight-Diagrams, Li-Diagram means heart and the Heart-Fire in the Five-Elements, Kan-Diagram means kidney and the Kidney-Water in the Five-Eelements. When the Heart-Fire is in the inflammation of the human body, it means Ji-Diagram in Eight-Diagrams. Kidney-Water is not intersect with Heart-Fire and heart is not intersect with kidney. It’s unhealthy. If we can use a effective method to pay attention to breathe out, arrive at Heart-Fire decline so the human body can become more and more healthy. When the Heart-Fire is under the Kidney-Water, the Kidney-Water can easy boil. Whereas, When the Heart-Fire is in the inflammation, it will ecpend energy. If be the human body up the burnt Heart-Fire disease, is called“Shang-Huo” that the people usually say, make the person be placed in the abnormal state, long. Zhen-Qi-Yun-Xing method is originated by Professor Shaobo Li have special effect which the promotion Heart-Fire drops. 《黄帝内经.素问.云:水火者,阴阳之佂兆也

Zhen-Qi-Yun-Xing method’s first step of expiration attention pit of the stomach department. Along with exhalation the destiny movement through the thought to use in institute of the pit of the stomach department taste, will raise fundamentally.

The Chinese medicine theory will reveal “no matter what the pit of the stomach department the arteries ju que hole, gateway for the heart ,the heart qi will divulge in here. The attention expiration, effectively urges the heart fire to drop but warm 脾土 the five elements of theories “the fire is the mother of the earth” for it. According to this method Practices several times, the pit of the stomach department felt warming up and full, stomach ill vanishing, the digestion absorption function strengthens, appetite improvement. According to this method Practices several times, the pit of the stomach department felt warming up is full, stomach ill vanishing, the digestion absorption function strengthens, appetite improvement. The pit of the stomach department was spirit flower, must enrich the pubic region, the supplement congenital spirit. Was Zhen-Qi-Yun-Xing second step, dredge Ren arteries, cause Zhen Qi ; feed into pubic region. Abdomen is warmed large intestine and small intestine’s function are strengthened the gastro-intestinal obtains the recuperation, the digestion and absorption become more perfect, also increased the origin which was Zhen Qi, assumes the positive cycle. In the third step Zhen Qi feed into Guanyuan acupoint Causes the heart’energy and kidney’ energy intersection the five internal organs’s energy feed into pubic region, full it gradually. The kidney function get great improvement. Some diseases like weakness or pain in the loins and knees, tinnitus and deafness, loss of hair and teeth, impotence and seminal emission, oligospermia and sterility, oligomenorrhea in women will get better obviously.

When Zhen-Qi is full in the pubic region it’ll dredge Du-meridian,and we call it “Xiao-Zhou-Tian ” The fourth step of Zhen-Qi-Yun-Xing meheod is the firs step of dredge Du-meridian. When Zhen-Qi sufficient it will upward along Du-meridian to Bai-Hui Kidney-Qi nourish brains strengthen its energy , make Yin and Yang balance When people dredge Du-meridian function of the five internal organs will obtain the comprehensive recuperation health is improvement greatly

Zhen-Qi-Yun-Xing through the person’s attention on expiration, make the Heart-Fire decline, open out the key of human being Arcanum. By practicing the method, not only the chronic difficult disease can be cured, the unoccur ailment and hidden trouble can also be adjust in time, so to prevent the outbreak of disease and control the development of it. Curative effect is good, adaption is many, and also have no side effect.

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-17 11:04:05编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-9 19:13:22 | 显示全部楼层

1The Eight-Diagrams Yao-Xiang promulgates the secret of the health and long life.

Huang-Di-Nei-Jing (Yellow Empero’s Canno of Internal Medicine)said:

Fa-Yu-Yin-Yang (Followed the principle of Yin and Yang)”,“He-Yu-Shu-Shu (Modulate daily life in harmony with the way of recuperating the essence and vital energy).”

It means people use some methods to get good health, balance the Yin and Yang in the body, and assort with the nature. Let people enjoy their healthy and happy life.

The Eight-Diagrams express the rules of people’s life:

Chinese traditional civilization like the Eight-Diagrams consider that for a woman, her kidney energy becomes prosperous when she is seven. Her tiangui(the substance necessary for the promotion of growth, development and reproductive function of human body ) appears at the age of fourteen. At this time, her Ren channel begins to put though, and Chong channel becomes prosperous and her struation begins to appear. For a man, his kidney energy becomes prosperous by the age of 8, By then , his hair develops and his permanent teeth emerge. His kidney energy becomes prosperous by the age of 16. He it is filled with vital energy and is able to let out sperm. But because insufficiency of qi and blood production due to improper diet, impairment of visceral qi and blood due to emotional factors and overstrain make kidney qi consume become weaken every 8 years so it will exhaust Yangqi until 64 years old. This is the order of nature.But if we use some method strengthen practice we can replace Yin and Yang. And would be everlasting, and could survive forever like heaven and earth. Zhen-Qi-Yun-Xing method originatd by Professor Shaobo expound the nature of this secret

As to the secret that the Twelve-Messages-Gua talk to people has been proved by modern scientific study. The research of modern physiology figure that human’s natural life should be more than 100 years old.

The evidence are the three:

First, the human’s natural life is 8-10 multipleof the human ‘s sexy maturity time. If we look the 14-16 years old is the human ‘s sexy maturity time, human’s natural lif should be 110-160 years old. The second, through the observation on the outside body fiber cell cultivating, it’s discovered that the cell splits up every four months in two years, the cell lose it’s split up instinct after forty ages, so it can be calculated that human’s nature life is 129 years (50*2.4=129). The thirdthe human’s nature life is five to seven multiple of his growth period, if the growth period is twenty years, then his nature life is 100-140 years old. Count the average of the above three data, then the human’s nature life should be 120-130 years old.

According to the study of the ancient and modern human body experiment, the human’s nature life should be more than 100 years. In the actuality, the domestic and international data note that there is not lack of elderly person ,who’s 100-200 years old. This prove the thesis of the ancient discover and the study of modern science. However, most people can’t live to the year that they should live. For its reason, the most important is they have not understood and practiced the principle of “Fa-Yu-Yin-YangHe-Yu-Shu-Shu” that they all died half a hundred years old. All ages, the one who insist the health practising , can attain the healthy longevity, acquire the life spectacular that ordinary people can't acquire.

2“Zhen-Qi-Yun-Xing”open out the truth of the people’s life.

According to the viewpoints of the Chinese medicine, the human body just like the nature: the nature is universe and human body is microcosm.

Sky and ground is related in the nature, the life will born in the combination of Yin and Yang. The Heart-Fire combine with the Kidney-Water will get the power of life. So, we know that the point at the Heart-Fire in body is very important in the life.

How to made the Heart-Fire decline and the Kidney-Water go up?

Huang-Di-Nei-Jing (Yellow Empero’s Canno of Internal Medicine)·Su-Wen (Plain Question)said

“Heart-Fire decline to warm the Kidney-Water, so the Kidney-Water can rising and nourish the internal organs”.

The heart govern the mind and blood vessels, Heart-Fire decline so blood vessels moved regularly. Therefore ,the rise and fall of the Heart-Fir of Kidney-Water is the key for the body spirit. In the Congenital-Eight-Diagrams, Li-Diagram means heart and the Heart-Fire in the Five-Elements, Kan-Diagram means kidney and the Kidney-Water in the Five-Eelements. When the Heart-Fire is in the inflammation of the human body, it means Ji-Diagram in Eight-Diagrams. Kidney-Water is not intersect with Heart-Fire and heart is not intersect with kidney. It’s unhealthy. If we can use a effective method to pay attention to breathe out, arrive at Heart-Fire decline so the human body can become more and more healthy. When the Heart-Fire is under the Kidney-Water, the Kidney-Water can easy boil. Whereas, When the Heart-Fire is in the inflammation, it will ecpend energy. If be the human body up the burnt Heart-Fire disease, is called“Shang-Huo” that the people usually say, make the person be placed in the abnormal state, long. Zhen-Qi-Yun-Xing method is originated by Professor Shaobo Li have special effect which the promotion Heart-Fire drops. 《黄帝内经.素问.云:水火者,阴阳之佂兆也

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-9 19:18:08编辑过]

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-9 19:13:38 | 显示全部楼层

Zhen-Qi-Yun-Xing method’s first step of expiration attention pit of the stomach department. Along with exhalation the destiny movement through the thought to use in institute of the pit of the stomach department taste, will raise fundamentally.

The Chinese medicine theory will reveal “no matter what the pit of the stomach department the arteries ju que hole, gateway for the heart ,the heart qi will divulge in here. The attention expiration, effectively urges the heart fire to drop but warm 脾土 the five elements of theories “the fire is the mother of the earth” for it. According to this method Practices several times, the pit of the stomach department felt warming up and full, stomach ill vanishing, the digestion absorption function strengthens, appetite improvement. According to this method Practices several times, the pit of the stomach department felt warming up is full, stomach ill vanishing, the digestion absorption function strengthens, appetite improvement. The pit of the stomach department was spirit flower, must enrich the pubic region, the supplement congenital spirit. Was Zhen-Qi-Yun-Xing second step, dredge Ren arteries, cause Zhen Qi ; feed into pubic region. Abdomen is warmed large intestine and small intestine’s function are strengthened the gastro-intestinal obtains the recuperation, the digestion and absorption become more perfect, also increased the origin which was Zhen Qi, assumes the positive cycle. In the third step Zhen Qi feed into Guanyuan acupoint Causes the heart’energy and kidney’ energy intersection the five internal organs’s energy feed into pubic region, full it gradually. The kidney function get great improvement. Some diseases like weakness or pain in the loins and knees, tinnitus and deafness, loss of hair and teeth, impotence and seminal emission, oligospermia and sterility, oligomenorrhea in women will get better obviously.

When Zhen-Qi is full in the pubic region it’ll dredge Du-meridian,and we call it “Xiao-Zhou-Tian ” The fourth step of Zhen-Qi-Yun-Xing meheod is the firs step of dredge Du-meridian. When Zhen-Qi sufficient it will upward along Du-meridian to Bai-Hui Kidney-Qi nourish brains strengthen its energy , make Yin and Yang balance When people dredge Du-meridian function of the five internal organs will obtain the comprehensive recuperation health is improvement greatly

Zhen-Qi-Yun-Xing through the person’s attention on expiration, make the Heart-Fire decline, open out the key of human being Arcanum. By practicing the method, not only the chronic difficult disease can be cured, the unoccur ailment and hidden trouble can also be adjust in time, so to prevent the outbreak of disease and control the development of it. Curative effect is good, adaption is many, and also have no side effect.

3Practice Zhen-Qi-Yun-Xing and enjoy the happy will-being.

It have proved and will continue prove that practise Zhen-Qi-Yun-Xing can keep good health and prolong life indeed. The method has it’s theoretical basis, according to the life science and the natural rule, it didn’t speak the superstitionthe metaphysics the religion, it’s really an orthodox medical treatment the health care method. Those deliberately mystifying and hoity-toity measures can all slam the door which beguile the people to buy their methods as merchandise. It’s too important for the person to choose a ideal scientific method with less crooked road. We recommend Zhen-Qi-Yun-Xing to everyone is because it has acquired the national class and the province class government awardses for many times in China it is the unique method that gets the health department Clinic-Verification science prize, withstanding to practice and examination. With the expansion of near half a centurythe method gain ground not only in China,

also at nations such as Southeast Asia and Europe and America...etc. at different degrees, the beneficiary are more and more.

Through the practice and clinic studyrepeat test, the method have marked curative effect with more than 80 kind of drug-invalid chromic and undefined diseases. We saw with our own eyes many gladness of the sufferer who were recovered after practicing the method, we share their pleasure and frlicity, the mood is hard to express by language.

Nowadays the people's living level has raised a lot. To pursue a healthy and happy life is the common mind of people. In the actuality, the medicine business develope very quick in the whole world, more hospitals, more doctors, more leechdoms. However, various disease did not reduce because of the medicine’s prosperous. Investigate its reason, the first is people were all yearn for the medicine and short of the health knowledge, the second is that the diseases root from cure and drug which were arouse by take too many medicine. So, how to exert the people’s inherent potential? It’s important to adopt the methods of Self-Mix Self-Control and Self-Cure.The Zhen-Qi-Yun-Xing five steps we introduce to everybody is in particular way to adjust the breath and develop Zhen-Qi, make Zhen-Qi circulates in the human body,the Jing-Mai unblocked, the life-force renewed.By this ways, the practiser can feel various physiology change in his body without any drugs and other measures. It’s really the Chinese preventive medicine.

The ancients treats the way of keeping good health as the secrets of heaventhe authentically sutras and divine lections,

that it was warned not to impart to the evilly people. they were obscure and hard to read, the methods were all the borrowed explains and parables. Such as the Nei-Jing-icture, which was known as national treasure ,and the The Inscription of Qi’s Circulatingat the Zhan-Guo period, etc., is all such. The secrets behind the queerly writings were uncovered by Professor to the world one by one. Zhen-Qi-Yun-Xing was based on theHuang-Di-Nei-Jing, proved on Physiological practice, thecked by the clinic. Uncounted people were benefited from it. The method is easy to learn and practice, the immediate effect is obviously also well for long. It is really a efficacious method to keep a good healthy and life, a consummate method to relieve from torturous. It’s the consequentially choice to enjoy the happy life.

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-9 19:18:44编辑过]

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-4-1 11:21:54 | 显示全部楼层





这是先哲们长期从事养生实践的结晶,是留给后世之人的巨大财富。著名中医、养生学ersonName w:st="on" ProductID="家李少波">家李少波ersonName>教授通过七十余年以来对《黄帝内经》等经典的研究,并躬亲实践,揭示了古代医学养生学的核心内容,创编了真气运行五步功法,创立了具有重要现实意义和医学科学价值的真气运行学,对长期以来人们难得要领的“法于阴阳 ,和于术数”健身延年秘旨做了最好的诠释,是不可多得的养生健身、益寿延年手段。



八卦中的十二消息卦复、临、泰、大壮、夬、乾、姤、遁、否、观、剥、坤表示人体生命规律是,胎儿在母腹中形成一个血肉之躯,尚未降生前,即后天生命活动还没开始,属纯阴坤卦,当降生之后,在易卦中称水火既济,在生理上表示心肾相交,开始了后天生命活动。十二消息卦运用阴阳消长、盛衰、生死等两两相对的辩证观点,说明人自降生开始,每经32个月,肾中便增添一个阳爻(▅▅),到十六岁即增为6个阳爻,为春阳乾卦,表示生机旺盛。这种功能是先天性的,主要表现为肾功能非常健康,能量充沛,是阳气极盛时期。当性成熟(男16岁,女14岁)开始,由于繁衍生息,劳心劳力,外伤七情,内感六淫,甚至于违反养生之道,以酒为浆,“已妄为常,逆于生乐,起居无节”,致使肾气暗耗,由盛而衰,每8年则生一阴爻(▅ ▅),至64岁阳气耗尽,为春阴坤卦,表示生机告终。民间有“人活七十古来稀之说”,说明这是自然规律,古人称之为“天机”。假若在生机未绝之时,当阴阳消长处于剥卦的爻象时,尚存一阳未尽,运用一定的方法,加强锻炼修养,就会使阴阳移位,转变而为复卦,即可开始下一轮卦卦爻的变化,不断地进行锻炼,则会由复而临,再由泰、大壮、夬到乾而返还。这种模式即为翻过60花甲,进入另一轮的演化。正如太阳快要落入西山又迎来了,新的一天的太阳东升,养生锻炼者就这样恢复了第二青春。十二消息卦道出了人们经过养生锻炼,达到益寿延年的奥秘,但很多人对此却不甚了了,ersonName w:st="on" ProductID="李少波">李少波ersonName>教授的真气运行五步功法,其功法功理以及功效,充分体现了十二消息卦逆转“天机”的奥秘。

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-1 11:25:13编辑过]

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-4-1 11:22:37 | 显示全部楼层




按照中医学的观点,人体和大自然是一致的,大自然大宇宙,人体为小宇宙。自然界天地相交,阴阳相合方能呈现生机,人体心火下降,肾水上潮,水火至济才能获得生命动力。十二消息卦暗示的“天机”也说明了这个关键问题。由此我们可以知道,心火下降这一环节在人体模型 生命中是至关重要的。那么,何谓心火下降呢?《黄帝内经.素问》云:“水火者,阴阳之征兆也”。心火下降暖肾水,则肾得以蒸腾,方能滋养脏腑。心主神明,又主血脉,心火降而不亢,则神明守舍,血脉周流有序。因此,水火之升降,为人体气机之关键。在先天八卦中,离卦表示心,五行属相为火;坎卦表示肾,五行属相为水。当人体处于心火上炎时,在卦象上表现为未济卦,说明水火否隔,心肾不交,必然是不健康的病态。如果采用有效的方法,注意呼气,则能使阴阳移位,逐步达到心火下降而成水火既济之卦象,人体则自然能由衰返壮。这好比烧水火在下面很容易将水烧开,反之处于心火上炎时,则不但不能烧开水,反而消耗能源。如当人体上焦火症,就是人们通常说的“上火了”,使人处于病态,久之则消耗而使身体衰败。ersonName w:st="on" ProductID="李少波">李少波ersonName>教授所创编的真气运行法,具有促进心火下降的特殊功效。




[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-1 11:25:34编辑过]

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-4-1 11:22:57 | 显示全部楼层






当今的社会,人们的生活水平有了很大提高,追求健康幸福的人生是人们的普通心理。在现实中,医药事业在全世界范围发展很快,医院增多,医生增多,药品增多,然而,各种疾病并没有因为医药的兴盛而减少,反而新增病种越来越多。究其原因,一是人们普遍乞求医药,缺乏养生健身知识;二是多服久服药物而引起医源病和药源病。因此如何发挥人体固有的潜能,采用自调、自控和自疗的方法,就显得十分重要。而我们所向大家介绍的真气运行五步功法,就是以特定方法,调整呼吸,培养真气,使真气 在人体内循环运行,贯通经络而恢复再生力。锻炼此法,不用药物,不用其他手段,凡实践者都能感觉到体内的各种生理变化,是实实在在的中医预防医学。

古人将养生之道视为“天机秘旨”,真经灵文,有匪人勿传之诫,故流传古典经文都隐晦莫测,其法也均为借喻比喻,如号称国宝的《内经图》,战国时期的《行气玉佩铭》等,都是如此。这些隐藏在奇文后面的奥秘,都经ersonName w:st="on" ProductID="李少波">李少波ersonName>教授一一破译而披露于世。真气运行法功理以《黄帝内经》为理论基础,实践则证之于生理,验之于临床,受益者不计其数。该功法易学易练,近效显著,远效亦佳,实为保健全生的有效手段,解除痛苦的无上妙法,享受幸福人生的必然选择。

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-1 11:26:01编辑过]

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-4-19 11:33:39 | 显示全部楼层
It’s the consequentially choice to enjoy the happy life.----THAT’S ALL!!![em02]

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-8-18 10:32:26 | 显示全部楼层
翻译不错,呵呵,只是翻译过了,原中文韵味就没有那么浓了,呵呵. 西医里欧洲的传统医疗还是有促进气血循环以提高人体机能的一说. 这就是我在美国论坛里养生的人不喜欢美国的现代医疗,而研究欧洲的传统疗法. 其实不知道源远流长的中国医学的博大精深,呵呵.我是受益者, 我在国外论坛里看到很多人有现代病,而无法治愈,其间也受到他们老外的养生高手的点拨,他们主要就是食疗,呵呵,一些该吃,不该吃,限制很严格,. 想想中国这样的真气运行真的要传给老外来提高身体和心理健康,这对于全人类的贡献也是非常巨大的. 呵呵.比如常见的有tinitus, vertigo, MRV, Meniere's Disease, etc这些疾病,西医治理很难,国外的人也大多靠食物限制来养生,特别的我买过一本美国权威的著作看偏头痛的,他就是限制非常严,我们中国吃的味精这些,对于他们都是大忌.我试过效果不明显. 其实这些病都是由于经络不同所致,呵呵.

使用道具 举报

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