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Report on experience in Zheng-Qi meditation真气练功报告

发表于 2007-3-10 18:52:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Report on experience in Zheng-Qi meditation真气练功报告

Articles under this heading is for the reference of English educated persons, all the writters are mainly from Singapore and Malaysia

[ Last edited by 海外华侨 on 2007-2-5 at 11:17 ]

The joy of having my dislocateed shoulder blade fixed by Zheng-Qi meditation

by : Judy Koh (Singapore) in 1998

Meditation! I wonder what it's about! I was told it could cure such an illness, and so on. Who would believe it? Well ...... I am an active person : I work hard and play hard. One day, I found my right shoulder blade dislocated or slipped.

I went for treatment by a Sinseh(Chinese physician) who specialised in fixing dislocated arm and legs. That treatment worked for a couple of months, but later when stretched myself the slip recurred, and the pain kept coming back. Later, a friend introduced me to a lady massager, whose skills helped but the pain remained though less severe.

I then joined the Zheng-Qi meditation class at Geylang West Community Club(In Singapore) in April this year. I was thinking give it a try,and observe what's going to happen. Just sitting on a chair and focusing one's attention inwards. Just do as the teacher said. This went on for more than a month. Then one night after our meditation practice, I heard loud sound, like bubble pack bursting and breaking at the back of my body between the neck and the head, and my shoulder blade shook, with noise, and then it's is all fixed. That's it. It was unbelievable, but it was true, just to make sure, I went for bowling purposely. I bowled with vigour and power, but no slip. Isn't that strange?

You can imagine what confident I having in our Zheng-Qi meditation. My next step is to focus my vision on straightening a titled nerve in my head linking my right eye. I am confident of success.

Many thanks to the two teacher who guided us, and to Master Li Shao-Bo who founded this school of Zheng-Qi meditation.


By : Lily Koh (Singapore)

What? "Qi" meditation could help to circulate inner energy and cure sickness in our body? No, No, No, it;s better to see a doctor. How can meditation cure us? This was the question that was ringing in my head, when I was persuaded to go for meditation.

It was started 2 years ago, when my godsister and I heard about Professor Li Shao-Bo's Zheng-Qi meditation techniques which can help circulate energy and restore health, through her brother who is one of the class instructor now. We were asked to give it a try but both of us would always ,make excuses about not being able to learn due to tight community service commitments.

Again, at the early part of this year, we were told that a new class would be conducted at Geylang West Community Club. Finally, my godsister, who was burdened with a shoulder blade slippage pain after many doctors and Chinese sinseh consultation, decided to give it a try. So, when she told me about it, I agreed to attend class with her due to my own personal health problem as well.

Before I went into meditation, I had bone joints pain, osteoporosis my hip bones(company doctor certified and advices not to tedious work due to bone fragile), asthma attack every month and always on medical leave, so much so, that it affected my performance appraisal.

The first day when I went into meditation, nothing was felt. It was after 2-3 weeks, one of the night during meditation, I felt that my whole body hot and started to sweat. Inspite of this feeling, I still continued to meditate. Finally, I could see a sudden bright light and could feel my whole body relieved and cool. This, I understand, is the stage where the Qi had circulated through the REN & Du meridians.

Since then, I have felt my body lighter, I do not feel tired easily, less irritated and frustrated at work. The pains in the bone joints have subsided, no more asthma attack, and so i do not lose temper easily.

One experience which fascinated me and i must write about is during one of my trip to China, I had a hard fall inside the hotel bathroom and my back was knocked against the toilet bowl. At that moment, I almost fainted. Somehow, I suddenly remembered one of the meditation techniques and immediately made use of it. Slowly and fortunately, through meditation, I felt my energy circulating back to normal and slowly managed to get up from the floor. I could feel pain on my back but at least I was able to walk to my bed and next day managed to attend the scheduled meeting. Continuously, I meditated every night until I came back to Singapore.

When I came back, I told my godsister about it, she was surprised. Who would believe that had a bad fall, and yet could walk as nothing happened, I did not go to the doctor or Chinese physician. The pain on my back just varnished like that. It's true, this is the most amazing experience I had and will not forget.

Now, another surprise. Before taking up meditation in March 99, I went for my company medical checkup. During scanning my pelvic womb, the X-ray showed a 6mm cyst in the uterus. In April 99, I joined the meditation class and practice until now. I went for a medical X-ray review of the pelvic womb on 15/9/1999. The review result showed nothing, no more cyst. The doctor told me that my review scanning was normal. It is unbelieveable but I overjoyed.

I really must thanks to the class instructor, Mr. Lim, Mr Koh and Professor Li Shao-Bo for sharing with me this Zheng-Qi meditation which had help to restore my health.

I would encourage family members, friends and people with health problem to follow me to attend this meditation class in order to live HEALTHY AND FRUITFUL LIFE.

My Personal Acecdotes On Zheng-Qi Meditation

By : Zeng Heidi (Singapore)

As I move on with age, I have been inflicted by several degenerative disorders ranging from hypertension(, migraine, joint aches and pains, backaches, insomnia, anxiety, mood swings, chronic fatigue, constipation, dyspepsia & flatulence likely due to a gallstone as confirmed by a recent abdominal scan.

I was recommended by friends who had found this alternative healing process very beneficial and so I though why not give it a try. I must say that when I started off with my first lesson, I was very trouble with lot s of "杂念". However, as Mr. Lim together with Mr Kow taught and guided us with their very calm, relaxed, cheerful and exuberant composures, I was able to focus on initialising my own "Qi". I was highly motivated to improve on my well-being, especially when the insomnias were very distressing and disheartening. I even applied for leave from work so that I could practise regularly.

By the third lesson, I was able to push off quite a lot of "杂念"and alway feeling a lot of warm feeling moving at my epigastrium, abdominal area and my upper limbs. Soon after, I experienced warmth at my lower back. During this period, I was able to sleep better and has less constipation.

During my forth lesson, I felt a gush of coldness which move quite fast from my lower back up my spine, neck, head and flashes of bright light were running across my closed eyes. My tongue was magnetised & sucked up at my hard palate and I felt myself floating up. I was a very relaxing kind of experience.

I continued to practise daily and could feel the warmth moving down my upper and lower limbs. The warm flows could be follow cool flows. Following these experience, I had additional effects of being pull into a very long structure and then squashed into a flatter structure. When I opened my eyes, I was not physically shifted. I also moved on to experience as if I was floating in a pool of moving waves. I was a buoyant feeling.

I still continued with my meditation but I have reduce the dosages. I am very much calmer and my blood pressure is down to a normal level and most importantly, I am able to sleep better now. I will continued to practise and hopefully in a few months time, I will request for a repeat abdominal scan to check whether my gallstone is still around. I will let my teacher know. Thanks to the dedicated teacher and also fellow classmate for the fellowship.

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-10 18:52:43编辑过]
发表于 2008-9-24 22:59:17 | 显示全部楼层



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发表于 2010-5-26 22:05:36 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2019-1-5 22:16:08 | 显示全部楼层
Thank you very much for all your sharing! Wish can learn more stories:)

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