您好﹗I have a big problem, hope you can help. I was actually practicing up
till the 4th step, however I have gastric problems. After looking at
some of the replies you gave to some of the people, your advise was to practice
the 1st step 1st until the stomach becomes better and the
2nd step will automatically be completed.
I went back to practicing the 1st step﹐我的練法是一開始呼氣就輕輕的想心窩部。But after
a few days, my stomach area started getting very warm, and I feel a little
uncomfortable, the area would feel warm even when I’m not meditating. So
subsequently, I meditated without putting any 意念。But the next few days, I had diarrhea
and had a constant urge to defecate.
should I do now? Should I continue with the 1st step or move on to
the 2nd step? Why is it that when I meditate without any 意念, I would
feel worse the next day? please reply me in chinese, thank you.
Do not scare yourself by exaggerated false feeling, in fact, there is nothing serious.
"After looking at some of the replies you gave to some of the people, your advise was to practice the 1st step 1st until the stomach becomes better and the 2nd step will automatically be completed." In fact,you should not stepped backward but go ahead.
你要求“reply me in chinese”,拉肚子可能是练功反应,也可能不是,你要找出真正原因;
Yes, you are right. I'm having trouble typing fast using chinese software. I'm from Singapore by the way, here we are bilingual. I requested a reply in chinese because since this meditation technique was written in chinese, it's best to understand it in the original language.
Mr Hero, you said. 拉肚子可能是练功反应,也可能不是,你要找出真正原因 I have been practising for almost 2 years and I had on and off diarrhoea. I had long suspected that it was because my 1st step was not done properly, but I was not sure so i went back to practicing the 1st step. I did that because I saw Mr. 海外华侨 giving replies to other people with stomach problems. His advice was to practise just the 1st step, when the 1st step completes itself, the 2nd step will be completed as well. Mr. 海外华侨 added that if people with stomach problems move on to practise the 2nd step, there might be other problems occuring.
Mr Hero, you mentioned that this is nothing serious, however I beg to differ, because the diarrhoea problems I'm having is affecting my life and it only started after I started this mediatation. The worst thing is I know exactly where the position of the 心窝部 is and where the dan tian is, because I have had sensations in those areas. And my breathing is natural and not exaggerated, my 意念 is also very very light. Hence I do not understand why I am having such persistent problems.
And Mr. 王路斌, if you do not have anything contructive to say, I appreciate if you keep your comments to yourself, and not jump to conclusions.
I have tried stopping meditation for one month and my diarrhoea was gone. But the qi continued to press against the back of my head even when I'm just reading my book. The qi at the back of my head keeps throbbing simultaneously with my breathing.
I know the method is to concentrate on my "bai hui", so that the qi will pass through. But I have tried doing that, it didn't work.
So I'm stuck between the 2 things,if I stop practising, the qi still continues to press on the back of my head, on the point of "yu zheng" i.e jade pillow. However, If I start practising, the diarrhoea comes back.
What can I do now? Even if I stop meditating, the qi at the back of my head will never disperse itself, I have to endure the discomfort everyday.
OK, maybe I didn't make myself clear enough. I didn't just started this meditation technique, I practised for almost 2 years.
Initially I practised until I reached the 3rd and 4th step, building qi in the dantian. Then I started feeling the qi pressing on my back of my head. However during this time, I experience diarrhoea problems, it persisted for a very long time, for a few months. It was during this time that I concentrated on "bai hui", hoping that the qi would move up, but it didn't and continue to be stuck at the back of my head.
And I also had gastric problems, so I thought I didn't practise my 1st step well enough, after seeing some posts by Mr. 海外华侨, his advice for people with stomach problems was to practise the 1st step through thoroughly, so I restarted and went back to practise the 1st step....
My urge to defecate doesn't happen when I'm practising, it only happens the next day. As for my diet, I eat only rice and dishes, mostly fish soup and vegetables, I stopped taking fruits.
I know meditation is good for the digestive system, that's why I don't understand why is it the more I practise, the worse my bowel movements become? 而且我的入靜程度很好, which makes it more puzzling, I'm suppose to get better, but I'm getting worse even after practising for such a long time and putting in at least 2 hours of practice a day.
Once again, I thank you for your replies, you have been most patient. I'm thinking of stopping this meditation all together, but as I said before, the tightness on the back of my head, doesn't go away....
以下是引用yue123_sg在2008-9-26 22:32:58的发言: OK, maybe I didn't make myself clear enough. I didn't just started this meditation technique, I practised for almost 2 years.
Initially I practised until I reached the 3rd and 4th step, building qi in the dantian. Then I started feeling the qi pressing on my back of my head. However during this time, I experience diarrhoea problems, it persisted for a very long time, for a few months. It was during this time that I concentrated on "bai hui", hoping that the qi would move up, but it didn't and continue to be stuck at the back of my head.
And I also had gastric problems, so I thought I didn't practise my 1st step well enough, after seeing some posts by Mr. 海外华侨, his advice for people with stomach problems was to practise the 1st step through thoroughly, so I restarted and went back to practise the 1st step....
My urge to defecate doesn't happen when I'm practising, it only happens the next day. As for my diet, I eat only rice and dishes, mostly fish soup and vegetables, I stopped taking fruits.
I know meditation is good for the digestive system, that's why I don't understand why is it the more I practise, the worse my bowel movements become?
, which makes it more puzzling, I'm suppose to get better, but I'm getting worse even after practising for such a long time and putting in at least 2 hours of practice a day.
Once again, I thank you for your replies, you have been most patient. I'm thinking of stopping this meditation all together, but as I said before, the tightness on the back of my head, doesn't go away....
Thank you for all your replies I really appreciate it. After practising the 1st step again, my diarrhoea has basically stopped. But I have a burning question:
But now even when I'm not meditating, my stomach feels very warm and uncomfortable. Should I go on to the 2nd step? My concentration is already very light, but my stomach still feels very warm and uncomfortable. Should I continue with the 1st step or should I move on?
Thank you again for your replies. You have been most kind.