上古天真论第一 2 Shanggu Tianzhen Lunpian
Ancient Ideas on How to preserve Natural Health Energy
帝曰:人年老而无子者,材力尽邪?将天数然也? Huangdi asked, “ Old people cannot give birth to any children. Is it due to the exhaustion of Caili ( Essence –Qi) or the natural development of the body?” 岐伯曰:女子七岁肾气盛,齿更发长。 Qibo answered,“For a woman, her Shenqi(Kidney-Qi” becomes prosperous and her teeth begin to change at the age of seven. 二七而天癸至,任脉通,太冲脉盛,月事以时下,故有子。 At the age of fourteen, Tiangui begins to appear, Renmai ( Conception Vessel ) and Chongmai ( Thoroughfare Vessel ) are vigorous in function. Then she begins to have menstruation and is abel to conceive a baby. 三七肾气平均,故真牙生而长极。 At the age of twenty-one, as Shenqi ( Kidney-Qi) is in vigor, the wisdom teeth begin to grow and he body has fully developed. 四七筋骨坚,发长极,身体盛壮。 At the age of twenty-eight, her musculature and bone become strong, her hair grows long enough. Her body has reached the summit of development. 五七阳明脉衰,面始焦,发始堕。 At the age of thirty-five, Yangming Channel starts to decline, her face begins to wither and her hair starts to lose. 六七三阳脉衰于上,面皆焦,发始白。 At the age of forty-two, as the three Yang Channels are deficient ( in both blood and Qi ), her countenance becomes wane and her hair begins to turn white. 七七任脉虚,太冲脉衰少,天癸竭,地道不通,故形坏而无子也。 At the age of forty-nine, as both the Renmai ( Conception Vessel ) and Chongmai ( Thoroughfare Vessel ) become deficient and menstruation stops, she becomes physically feeble and is no longer abel to conceive a baby. 丈夫八岁肾气实,发长齿更。 For a man, at the age of eight, his Shenqi (Kidney-Qi) becomes prosperous and his teeth begin to change.二八肾气盛,天癸至,精气溢泻,阴阳和,故能有子。 At the age of sixteen, as Shenqi ( Kidney-Qi ) is abundant and Tiangui occurs, he begins to experience spermatic emission. If he has copulated with a woman at this period, he can have a baby. 三八肾气平均,筋骨劲强,故真牙生而长极。 At the age of twenty-four, his Shenqi ( Kidney-Qi ) is full, his musculature and bone become strong, the wisdom teeth appear and the whole body is fully developed. 四八筋骨隆盛,肌肉满壮。 At the age of thirty-two, his musculature and bones have well developed and are very strong. 五八肾气衰,发堕齿槁。 At the age of forty, as Shenqi (Kidney-Qi) declines, his hair begins to drop and his teeth start to wither. 六八阳气衰竭于上,面焦,发鬓颁白。 At the age of forty-eight, Yangqi over the upper part of the body collapses, his face starts to wither and his hair begins to turn white. 七八肝气衰,筋不能动,天癸竭,精少,肾脏衰,形体皆极。 At the age ot fifty-six, as Ganqi ( Liver-Qi) declines, his musculature becomes inflexible. With the exhaustion of Tiangui and the reduction of Shenqi (Kidney-Qi ), his kidney is weakened and his body becomes very weak. 八八则齿发去。 At the age of sixty-four his teeth and hair begin to lose. 肾者主水,受五脏六腑之精而藏之,故五脏盛,乃能泻。 The kidney controls water, it receives and stores Jing (Essence ) from Five Zang-Organs and the Six Fu-Organs . Thus only when the Five Zang-Organs and the Six Fu-Organs are vigorous can (the kidney have enough Essence) to discharge. 今五脏皆衰,筋骨解堕,天癸尽矣,故发鬓白,身体重,行步不正,而无子耳。 Now the Five Zang-Organs have declined, the bones become weak and the Tiangui is exhausted, his hair turns white and his body becomes clumsy. ( As a result ,)
he walks with difficulty and is unable to have a baby. |