上古天真论第一3 Shanggu Tianzhen Lunpian: Ancient Ideas on How to preserve Natural Health Energy 帝曰:有其年已老,而有子者:何也? Huangdi asked, “Some very old people still can bear children. What is the reason?” 岐伯曰:此其天寿过度,气脉常通,而肾气有余也。此虽有子,男子不过尽八八,女子不过尽七七,而天地之精气皆竭矣。 Qibo answered, “This ( is due to the fact that their) Tianshou ( Life-Span) exceeds ( that of the others), their Qi and blood are always smooth in circulation and their Shenqi(Kidney-Qi) is in excess. (Although) these (old people) still can bear children, (they lose such an ability at the age of) sixty-four in men and forty-nine in women.” 帝曰:夫道者年皆百岁,能有子乎? Huangdi asked, “ Could those who have mastered the Dao ( the art of preserving health) have children when they are over one hundred years old?” 岐伯曰:夫道者能却老而全形,身年虽寿,能生子也。 Qibo answered, “ Those who have mastered the Dao can enjoy good health and prevent senility. So they still can have children when they are very old.” |