Then the author's reply:
thanks for the support.
Third Day: Today I finally figured out how to consistently concentrate on my upper stomach area and send every breathout "chi" I suppose to that area. My breathing has become very consistent. I can no longer hear or feel myself breathing "air" out of my nose, on the contrary, when i breath out, I feel that most of it is going to my stomach. My stomach is heating up during this practice, not to the point of going to step II yet. I am pretty much practicing 4 to 5 times a day now.
Then Mr. Haiwai Huaqiao's reply:
Well, I think you have achieved Step I and mastered the technique of breathing.
When breathing out, just slightly think about your upper stomach area, says only 30% of concentration or less, heating is not that important if compare with "compress", feeling of compress is mean the upeer stomach "Zhong Dan Tien" is full of Zhen Qi, and then Zhen Qi will automatically flow down to the lower stomach "Xia Dan Tien". It's means you will automatically get into Step II.(for those who practice at home, this is a better method)
When you less concentrat, your upper stomach may not as warm as usual, but it's ok, as I mentioned just now : feeling of "compress" is more important.
And I would like to advise you to practice more than 20 minutes per session, may be more than half an hour to one hour( 3 sessions per day is sufficient)
The author's reply:
thanks! I will definitely keep that in mind. I am spending hours reading all the postings in this forum. It was kind of fuzzy to me how to approach step II, or step III and so on. I figured every step should go on to the next naturally. I will keep in mind on the word "compress" and let it naturally flow to the next step instead of me forcing it.
greatly appreciate it.
Mr. Chen's reply:
you are welcome.
We need a lot of material for English.
My reply:
Everything goes well with you.
If you have finished Step 1 well, the secnod step is easier to follow than the first step. So be confident tha tyou will be able to do it perfectly in step 2.
In Step 1, you focus on the upper stomach;
In step 2, move your mind from upper stomach to hypogastrium (Dantian), which is in the lower part and four fingers distance from navel. Attention: it is not a ponit but an area.
If you still have any question, please contact Zhenqi Institute or contact me.
Wish every success!
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-25 15:13:53编辑过] |